Caterpy's tropical blue (with reflective fibers!) no-tie laces are an incredible addition to running and trail shoes, your favorite sneakers, or casual footware. Unlike other no-tie laces, there is no tightening device needed. You can carefully adjust tension through each set of eyelets, which then lets the lace flex and breath as your foot moves. Styling options include tucking, hiding, or leaving excess length sticking out of your top eyelet. We carry this product because we believe in them. They are with us for triathlons (all distances including full Ironman), on our house shoes, tennis shoes, walking shoes, and hiking shoes. They are easy to remove, wash, and reuse if you wear out a pair of sneakers and will get plenty of use.
Caterpy laces are made in Japan and come in three different lengths. Please inquire about small and large, as we typically only carry "standard".
Length: 30 inches (75cm)